The essential journalist news source
The mental health first aid kit now available for our homes Pandemic mental health care kit for use at home as a preventative solution Learn how to be mentally resilient in the comfort of your own home by using the newly launched Awareness Key Mental Health Ca
27 January 21
Charity offers free PPE in response to nurses’ appeal  Saturday 23 January 2021 - for immediate releaseCharity offers free PPE in response to nurses' appeal A charity has offered to provide free PPE in response to an appeal for better protection from the
23 January 21
Estyn yn cyhoeddi adolygiad cadarnhaol o ddull Caerdydd o gefnogi ysgolion a dysgwyr yn ystod y pandemig Image
Canfu gwerthusiad fod arweinyddiaeth strategol barhaus, cyfathrebu cryf a phwyslais ar weithio mewn partneriaeth i gefnogi athrawon, plant a phobl ifanc yn rhan o ddull Cyngor Caerdydd o helpu dysgwyr yn y ddinas yn ystod pandemig COVID-19.
21 January 21
Estyn publishes positive review of Cardiff's response to supporting schools and learners during pandemic Image
An evaluation of Cardiff Council's approach to assisting learners in the city during the COVID-19 pandemic has found sustained strategic leadership, strong communication and an emphasis on partnership working to support teachers, children and young peopl
21 January 21
Contractwr wedi'i ddewis i adeiladu Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan newydd Image
Dyfarnwyd y contract i adeiladu cartref newydd Ysgol Uwchradd Fitzalan i Kier, wrth i'r cynllun diweddaraf a gyflawnir dan Fand B Rhaglen Ysgolion yr 21ain Ganrif ac Addysg, gwerth £284 miliwn, fynd yn ei flaen yng Nghaerdydd.
21 January 21
Contractor chosen to build a new Fitzalan High School. Image
The contract to build a new home for Fitzalan High School has been awarded to Kier, as the latest scheme to be delivered under Cardiff's £284m Band B, 21stCentury Schools and Education Programme progresses
21 January 21
'Dyfeisiwch eich Dinas' - Caerdydd sy'n Dda i Blant yn gofyn i bobl ifanc helpu i lunio Caerdydd gan ddefnyddio Minecraf Image
Mae Cyngor Caerdydd, mewn partneriaeth â Phrifysgol Caerdydd, yn rhoi cyfle unigryw ac arloesol i blant a phobl ifanc helpu i siapio dyfodol Caerdydd drwy ddefnyddio llwyfan gêm rithwir.
20 January 21
‘Craft Your City' - Child Friendly Cardiff asks youngsters to help shape Cardiff using Minecraft Image
Cardiff Council in partnership with Cardiff University, is providing children and young people with a unique and innovative opportunity to help shape the future of Cardiff by using a virtual game platform.
20 January 21
UK Company Launches Steri-Wipes - Protects Touchscreens From Corona for 7 Days Cleansers use Nano-Technology to kill pathogens on mobile phones and other hard surfaces A BRITISH company has teamed up with German microbiologists to develop hygiene wipes that can protect touchscreens from coronavirus for seven days.
19 January 21
Cynnydd Caerdydd tua chael ei chydnabod yn fyd eang fel Dinas sy'n Dda i Blant Unicef Image
Disgrifir y cynnydd y mae Caerdydd wedi ei wneud wrth weithio tua dod yn Ddinas sy'n Dda i Blant Unicef a gydnabyddir yn fyd-eang mewn adroddiad i Gabinet Cyngor Caerdydd yn ei gyfarfod ar Dydd Iau 21 Ionawr.
15 January 21
Cardiff's progress towards global recognition as a Unicef Child Friendly City Image
The progress Cardiff has made in working towards becoming a globally recognised Unicef Child Friendly City, will be outlined in a report to go to Cardiff Council's Cabinet when it meets on Thursday 21, January.
15 January 21
Ymateb gweithiwr allweddol Image
Mae Caerdydd yn cymhwyso diffiniad Gweithiwr Allweddol Llywodraeth Cymru, fodd bynnag, mae'r ddarpariaeth ym mhob ysgol yn dibynnu ar lefelau staffio a gallu ysgolion. Mae angen i blant rhieni mewn gwasanaethau golau glas rheng flaen, y GIG, gweithwyr a
15 January 21
Key worker response Image
Cardiff is applying the Welsh Government Key Worker definition, however, provision in each school depends on school staffing levels & capacity. Children of parents in frontline blue light services, NHS, school workers & social care need to be prioritised
15 January 21
Dewis i deuluoedd sy'n derbyn Prydau Ysgol Am Ddim Image
Yng Nghaerdydd, tra bod ysgolion ar gau oherwydd COVID-19 ac yn ystod gwyliau'r ysgol, anfonir taleb y gellir ei lawrlwytho at rieni a gofalwyr plant sy'n derbyn Prydau Ysgol am Ddim.
14 January 21
Choice for Free School Meal families Image
In Cardiff, whilst schools are closed due to COVID-19 and during school holiday periods, parents and carers of children receiving Free School Meals are sent a downloadable voucher.
14 January 21
Press Release: The Diverse Book Awards 2021 – Open For Nominations! Image
Following a stellar inaugural year, The Diverse Book Awards is now officially open to nominations from UK-based publishers and authors, for diverse and inclusive books published any time during 2020.
13 January 21