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Update - Cardiff's position on the commencement of the January school term


Following extensive discussions, Welsh Government and the Welsh Local Government Association have set out a common approach for the return to school in January. 

With transmission levels continuing to increase across Wales, and uncertainty over what impact that might have on school staffing levels over the Christmas break, there will be some flexibility built in at the beginning of term. 

Cardiff Council has set out the following plans for January, however these may need to be adapted should the position in Cardiff see significant change between now and the start of term.

In Cardiff, schools will continue to provide distance learning to pupils from Monday 4  January. This is to enable schools to assess staff availability and to make appropriate plans for the return of face-to-face learning.

From Wednesday 6 January, schools will provide provision for vulnerable learners and critical worker childcare, where they have the capacity to do so.

In light of the increasing transmission it will be important to ensure that provision in Cardiff schools supports frontline blue light services, NHS, school workers and social care as part of the critical workforce. Schools will make local decisions, made in discussions with parents over need. Priority should be given when both parents are critical workers and where all other childcare options have been exhausted.

From Monday 11 January, the expectation is that all pupils will return for face-to-face learning.

Exceptions may be made if a school is affected by significant community transmission or staff availability, which impacts on school capacity.

Those schools who have planned INSET in the first week of term, may continue with those plans.

Schools in Cardiff are being supported to deliver distance learning throughout this period. Significant digital provision has already been put in place. This includes  more than 11,500 digital devices and 2,000, 4G broadband devices, which the Council has distributed to pupils so they can access online learning during school closures caused by COVID-19.

For more information about issues relating to schools due to COVID-19, a series of regularly updated questions and answers for parents and pupils are available here:Covid-19 FAQs for parents and pupils (

We would also like to remind parents and carers of when children should be kept at home from school, please visit ourquick reference guide here:Guidance for sending your child to school (