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New Support for Employers of Traumatised Security Staff
New Support for Employers of Traumatised Security

Thousands of security guards are being left traumatised after facing a constant tirade of abuse and violence while on duty, researchers at the University of Portsmouth have claimed (April 2020 Report). In what is believed to be the biggest study of UK security personnel, city researchers interviewed 750 workers and found almost 40 per cent of them were showing symptoms of PTSD.

In response to the additional pressures on staff from the COVID-19 pandemic, and with lockdown prohibiting training events, charity PTSD Resolution has launched an online interactive version of its TATE short course, Trauma Awareness Training for Employers.

The course is designed for security line managers, counter-terror operatives, resilience planners and HR and employee development and training teams, among other work roles.

TATE is designed to enable staff to:-
  • Recognise post-traumatic symptoms amongst security guards and other staff
  • Understand the most common observable effects of trauma on behaviour
  • Know how to engage with traumatised staff, and when to signpost them to further support
  • Formulate, through discussion, clear routes to resolve specific workplace difficulties caused by trauma
Treatment options can include therapy delivered online by TATE organisers PTSD Resolution, which operates a network of 200 therapists. The charity delivers free therapy to all veterans of the armed forces, reservists and their families, as well as members of ASIS and family members.

The TATE course trainer is an experienced PTSD Resolution therapist, Rosalind Townsend, author of the book ‘PTSD Understanding and Recovery’.

PTSD Resolution Campaign Director Patrick Rea says:

“This is a tough time for security personnel and other key workers during the pandemic. They are having to deal with unfamiliar, challenging situations such as managing queues of people at retail outlets, with worries for their own safety from infection. Too often line managers just don’t have the skills to identify staff who may be struggling mentally - and why should they. It requires training to know what to look out for and what to do to help a traumatised person.”

Online two-hour Zoom webinars cost £42 per person via online booking. Organisations can book private courses for staff groups, for from 10 to 20 delegates, which attract a 10 percent discount. During the lockdown, staff under furlough are allowed to train without jeopardising payments to the employer, according to Government guidelines.

For further information visit PTSD Resolution.